
Project 1: My Contact Book using ASP.NET MVC

Project 1: MyContactBook (ASP.NET MVC4 Application)

There are many examples out there demonstrating how to create a ASP.NET MVC application for the beginners. What I found is, they have covered lots of things in their application, which is often difficult for beginners because everything seems scattered.
So, Here I have tried to implement a small application using Asp.Net MVC4, just to cover the basic CURD operations with ASP.NET MVC4 application.

[N:B: In this application I have not used any layered architecture or any special design pattern like Repository Pattern to avoid complexity and make understandable for the beginners. This application marely scratches the serface of ASP.NET MVC, we will explore other techniques in my upcoming posts.]

About the application

I have implemented a simple application named My Contact Book. There are following main parts to the application:
  • Showing Contact list in Webgrid
  • Add new Contact
  • Edit Existing Contact
  • Delete Existing Contact
  • Export Contact list to Excel File
In this article, we used the following tools:
  • ASP.NET MVC4 as web framework.
  • EntityFramework 6 as ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) framework
  • Twitter Bootstrap (3.2.0) as HTML/CSS framework.
Here we will do the followings step by step